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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
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Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Team have responsibility for ensuring that the safety and protection of all pupils are paramount.  

The Safeguarding Team are trained in dealing with concerns, worries and disclosures from children.  

The team consists of the Principal, the Vice-Principal (Designated Teacher) and 2 Deputy Designated Teachers.  We also have a Designated Governor who oversees Child Proteciton on behalf of the Board of Governors.  

If you have a concern about the welfare of any pupil, you can talk to one of these team members.  

Email address:

Mrs Black -

Mrs Currie -

Miss Thompson -

Mr Cheevers - 

Rev Matchett (Governor) - 

Our First Aid Team in school consists of 4 trained members.  Team members undertake initial training and attend refreseher training by approved providers.  

14th Feb 2022