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Orritor Primary School and Nursery Unit,  Cookstown, County Tyrone
Strike Action Tuesday 4th June Please remember that due to Strike Action school transport will be affected on Tuesday 4th JuneJMB buses will be running as normal during both the morning and afternoon sessions on the above date. Due to the uncertainty of which EA buses (yellow buses) may be running, we would suggest that families make alternative transport arrangements for your son or daughter to and from school on Tuesday 4th June.We will also be running a reduced menu on Tuesday 4th with Margherita Pizza and chipped potato being the only option for dinner. | School Closure - Monday 3rd June Please remember that school will be closed on Monday 3rd June.  | Sports Day Our Sports Days have been scheduled for Wednesday 12th June for our Nursery pupils  and Thursday 13th June for our Primary pupils.NURSERY (Wednesday 12th June)12:30pm to 1:15pm YEAR 1 TO YEAR 3 (Thursday 13th June) 10:00AM TO 11:00AM YEAR 4 TO YEAR 7 (Thursday 13th June) 1:00PM TO 2:45PM [Open Image]
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Sharing from the Start - Wee Critters

14th May 2019

We continued our Shared education project with a visit to St. Peter's to see Wee Critters.

Allan from Wee Critters told us how we have to be kind to animals and look after them. We have to remember not to throw litter and to recycle so animals do not eat rubbish or get stuck in it.


We got to meet and handle a selection of wee critters

  • Amos the armadillo
  • Charlotte the tarantula spider
  • Flash the giant snail
  • Craig the hissing cockroach
  • Topsy the leopard tortoise
  • Trevor the cane toad
  • Milkshake the snake
  • Dobby the owl

The children were all very brave handling the animals. Well done!